Everybody deserves the garden fence they want so here are some tips that you should know before, during and after your fence is erected. However, do remember that some of these tips apply on certain cases only and not for every garden fence in the book. So gauge how you’d want your garden fence to be and may these tips may be of great help for you.
Know what the fence is for and plan ahead. Though this is s probably self-explanatory, for your benefit, let us break it down for you. Garden fences differ based on their purpose. Therefore, it is necessary to understand what your goal is for putting up a fence around your lawn or residence. Is it for keeping the pets in, keeping animals out or simply an aesthetic touch? Whatever your reason is, it must be the first thing to be clear so you’d have a direction in your project. Moreover, planning ahead keeps you from unnecessary purchases which save you money.
Know the materials you are dealing with and prepare them. When you have the type of garden fence you want, the kind of materials you would be using will follow. Traditional garden fences still go with wood/timber while new materials are preferred for fences today like steel, aluminium and vinyl. However, if you do go with wood and/or timber, remember to soak them in wood preservatives for at least 24 hours before the day you are installing them. This helps prolong their “life.”
Make it a habit to maintain the quality of your fence. Some often think that once the fence is coated with preservatives/sealants, the quality is not affected by other variables. Sadly, there are a lot of other viable reasons as to why fences deteriorate faster than it should be. It can be due to elemental factors such as snow, animals like termites, and even the most disregarded one – dirt. Therefore, it is really important (and we can’t stress this enough) to do some routine maintenance every once in a while. This includes cleaning or washing the panels and the gates, repainting them, tightening the fixtures and serious damage control for other instances.
Keep your fence simple. Depending on the purpose of the garden fence, there is a certain extent of weight capacity a fence could hold. This means that you should not over decorate your fences. It is good to have a few but keep them light. The added weight of the things you hang or post in your fence actually hastens it deterioration. Anyway, simplicity is still beauty.
Have a professional’s number. Some work in your garden fence, pre and post, requires intricate work and accuracy. Hence, having a professional in reach is important. This ensures that your fence is on its peak shape and they could diagnose how your fence is doing or if it needs adjustments and small repairs. You can always do the small things on your own but do not forget to get help once you need it.
There you go, five helpful tips that you could consider and implement to have a successful garden fence. Now go and plan your future wonderful fence and send us some pictures when they are done.